Attacker spawn.  I'm pretty sure every artist on the team touched something in this shot.

Attacker spawn. I'm pretty sure every artist on the team touched something in this shot.

Attack Spawn Vista. This space was such a collaborative effort!  Sabrina blocked out and I did a production pass.  Tag teamed with Andrew on vista cards and Tobias finished with a polish pass on the rocks, then Bruno's VFX pass brought it all together.

Attack Spawn Vista. This space was such a collaborative effort! Sabrina blocked out and I did a production pass. Tag teamed with Andrew on vista cards and Tobias finished with a polish pass on the rocks, then Bruno's VFX pass brought it all together.

A site Vista.  Delyan did a first pass of this space and I hopped in to take the vista element to final while he finished up A site.

A site Vista. Delyan did a first pass of this space and I hopped in to take the vista element to final while he finished up A site.

Defender Vista!  Sabrina did the initial composition via blockout, then we tag teamed the Art Production pass and Bruno leveled everything up with the waterfall VFX!

Defender Vista! Sabrina did the initial composition via blockout, then we tag teamed the Art Production pass and Bruno leveled everything up with the waterfall VFX!

Attack A building.  I did a first art pass after blockout.  The space was touched by a few people, including Delyan and Kevin, who made huge improvements in this space during polish!

Attack A building. I did a first art pass after blockout. The space was touched by a few people, including Delyan and Kevin, who made huge improvements in this space during polish!

Defender A Hallway.  This was one of the first spots I helped out with in production.  I did a first pass and Josh Haun/Kevin Brunt made nice improvements to the space in polish.

Defender A Hallway. This was one of the first spots I helped out with in production. I did a first pass and Josh Haun/Kevin Brunt made nice improvements to the space in polish.